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Click on the images to learn more about Indigenous perspectives, history, and culture. 

Image by Ksenia Makagonova

Government of Canada: Indigenous Heritage

Explore texts that represent Indigenous culture and languages

Image by Mael BALLAND

Children's Storybooks

Beautiful board books and great stories about Indigenous culture to share with our children

Image by Haut Risque

National Geographic

Content and educational resources that reflect the experiences and knowledge of the Indigenous Peoples of Canada


Must Reads

Explore 11 Indigenous stories and reconciliation

Image by Leslie Cross

Celebrate Indigenous Culture

Watch informational videos and learn about various cultural landmarks that hold great significance to Canada’s Indigenous peoples

Image by Ryan

Indigenous Services Canada

Supporting services for Indigenous peoples

Image by Gisela Bonanno

Yellow Shawl Housing

Yellow Shawl Housing is an innovative youth housing program focused on providing safe and supportive housing with a continuum of structure and supervision ranging from peer support to more direct staffing involvement in daily activities

Reaching for a Book


The Manitoba First Nations Education Resource Centre supports students, teachers, and schools. 

Rolled Magazines

SAY Magazine

SAY Magazine celebrates First Nations, Métis and Inuit ingenuity by sharing success stories and stories of resilience  since 2002.

Image by Lucas Rosin

Eagle Urban Transition Centre

 E.A.G.L.E. Urban Transition Centre (EUTC) assists First Nation people with transitioning into an urban centre and  accessing the appropriate resources to become independent

Image by RhondaK Native Florida Folk Art

Indigenous Art

Explore the art forms that define Indigenous peoples in the National Art Gallery of Canada 

Image by Tim Mossholder

The Committee on Indigenous Matters

The Committee on Indigenous Matters exists to and work with Indigenous people  to promote initiatives  to advance reconciliation by supporting the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Calls to Action 


Learn Ojibway

Beginning lessons offer new learners a way to start exploring the beautiful language of Anishinaabemowin

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